Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Donald Trump, revolutionary, or just reckless?

President Donald Trump has been causing havoc throughout our country within just a week of being president. The protests in the streets and petitions are just some of the ways people are expressing their feelings on the recent executive orders being signed on his behalf. The reason I think he is a revolutionary is because of the way he is determined to change everything our government has worked toward within the past eight years. He wants to repeal health care plans, and essentially eliminate every immigrant that is living in our country. The most recent executive order being the 90 day ban on several countries is what makes me feel like he is trying to have some sort of revolution and change what our country believes in which is essentially, to welcome everyone and give them the same opportunities we as citizens have. The reason I feel he is reckless is because he is doing things in such a manner to provoke violence from the people. Hopefully we can clear the question soon of Donald Trumps intentions for our country.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Steve Jobs- The Renaissance Man and Revolutionist

Often referred to as a Renaissance Man, Steve Jobs has changed the world of technology in remarkable ways. He combined business, science, art, and technology and created a myriad of  revolutionary products that are worshipped and admired by hundreds of millions of people across the world. Steve Jobs is known as the creator and CEO of the company Apple, which is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California. Steve Jobs is one of the most renown and remarkable figures in history due to his immense passion, love for technology, and overall life changing contributions. According to the Huffington Post,"Jobs, however, had a clear picture of the human potential that could be unleashed if we could find a way to continually connect everyone on the planet..."Jobs reached his goal, and because of him the whole world is connected. I believe that he completely revolutionized technology and without him, the music industry along with many other industries would have been greatly affected.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

"Is Google Making Us Stupid?" Response

In Nicholas Carr's article, "Is Google Making Us Stupid?", he argues that the Internet, specifically Google, is alternating the way we think and work in a negative way. The Internet holds a vast amount information, all at the tip of our fingertips. When an individual has access to any information at any given time, it is easy to simply give into the world of technology. In regards to my personal experiences, I heavily rely on the Internet to teach me things I don't know, whether it is for educational purposes or even to ask the silliest of questions. In many ways, I disagree with the assumptions Carr makes. I believe any given person would rather look something up, receive the answer in a matter of seconds, than to deeply read something that consumes too much time. There are always two sides of every argument, but when you compare today's technology and progress to those of the past, the advancements in science, education, and creativity today are mainly due to the intelligence and endless possibility of technology and the impact its had and will always continue to have on people. In today's generation and the generations to come, people are becoming more and more adaptive at using new and innovative technology, which can lead to a brighter future.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

There needs to be a balance of dependence and independence

When Carr asks if Google is making us stupid, I have a hard time arguing if it is making us stupid. Google for some people, can be an amazing device. I have a friend that is an engineer, and all of the tutoring help he receives is from Google, if you are utilizing it to enhance your knowledge, it is an amazing source. However, for people that use Google just because they would rather look up a chapter summary instead of reading the book they are assigned, they are too dependent and lazy to live without it. I find this to be a large issue is today's society. I strongly disagree that it is making us stupid because the amount of knowledge I personally have obtained knowledge that I would have never had if it were not for Google. The main thing I think society needs to focus on is being independent and confident in their knowledge but if they need to confirm a fact, they can depend on google to correct or confirm their fact.