Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Donald Trump, revolutionary, or just reckless?

President Donald Trump has been causing havoc throughout our country within just a week of being president. The protests in the streets and petitions are just some of the ways people are expressing their feelings on the recent executive orders being signed on his behalf. The reason I think he is a revolutionary is because of the way he is determined to change everything our government has worked toward within the past eight years. He wants to repeal health care plans, and essentially eliminate every immigrant that is living in our country. The most recent executive order being the 90 day ban on several countries is what makes me feel like he is trying to have some sort of revolution and change what our country believes in which is essentially, to welcome everyone and give them the same opportunities we as citizens have. The reason I feel he is reckless is because he is doing things in such a manner to provoke violence from the people. Hopefully we can clear the question soon of Donald Trumps intentions for our country.


  1. This is very interesting. I believed that this presidency will result in a revolution and possibly a civil war, if not, any war. My father has told me that Mexico, China and Russia are ready to fight us. He believes that we would lose despite all of the ships and technology, we don't have the proper amount of men and women to serve. Whether or not this is true, I don't want it to happen. War is all unnecessary immature ways of countries to come to a conclusion. I suppose I would be that person who is aware of the situation, but doesn't want to get involved. I would prefer to just enjoy what I can out of life. There is nothing I can do now that will have an impact on this situation. We just have to wait and see how this game plays out.

    Hopefully for the better and not the worse.

  2. Donald Trump may be going at situations in a way that upsets people however the most important thing to remember is that we as a country are already at war. Banning one specific group of people from entering the US is racist however the way that France is handling immigration with open arms is not the correct way either. A civilized country cannot have people attacking museums with machetes while screaming "God is great" in Arabic.
    People may make the argument that "what if it was your mother that wanted to enter the country and couldn't" while failing to realize what about all the people that are being killed in these attacks are women children and fathers all of whom who have done nothing wrong to be killed in that horrific way. I may not know the correct way to handle refugees from another country however what I do know is that keeping my family safe is the number one priority.

    France is also not accepting people for who they are either because in this video by 'It's Black Friday' she and her husband were denied entry into the Louvre because the way that they were dressed and although their clothing may not be for religious reasons they were still discriminated by the way they look, much like a person discriminating against a woman in a Burka.
    The woman and her husband are both 'Goth'

    As for a full scale war breaking out between the United States and another country like Russia, China, or Mexico the main argument can be made that the United States can threaten Mutual assured destruction which is the destruction of both the attacking and defending country by use of a full scale nuclear attack.

