Saturday, January 28, 2017

There needs to be a balance of dependence and independence

When Carr asks if Google is making us stupid, I have a hard time arguing if it is making us stupid. Google for some people, can be an amazing device. I have a friend that is an engineer, and all of the tutoring help he receives is from Google, if you are utilizing it to enhance your knowledge, it is an amazing source. However, for people that use Google just because they would rather look up a chapter summary instead of reading the book they are assigned, they are too dependent and lazy to live without it. I find this to be a large issue is today's society. I strongly disagree that it is making us stupid because the amount of knowledge I personally have obtained knowledge that I would have never had if it were not for Google. The main thing I think society needs to focus on is being independent and confident in their knowledge but if they need to confirm a fact, they can depend on google to correct or confirm their fact.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you are saying. Google can be used in both good and bad ways. Certainly if you are reading something and want to look up the meaning of a word, it is so much easier and faster to just google it rather than pulling out a dictionary and searching for the word.
