Monday, January 30, 2017

Steve Jobs- The Renaissance Man and Revolutionist

Often referred to as a Renaissance Man, Steve Jobs has changed the world of technology in remarkable ways. He combined business, science, art, and technology and created a myriad of  revolutionary products that are worshipped and admired by hundreds of millions of people across the world. Steve Jobs is known as the creator and CEO of the company Apple, which is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California. Steve Jobs is one of the most renown and remarkable figures in history due to his immense passion, love for technology, and overall life changing contributions. According to the Huffington Post,"Jobs, however, had a clear picture of the human potential that could be unleashed if we could find a way to continually connect everyone on the planet..."Jobs reached his goal, and because of him the whole world is connected. I believe that he completely revolutionized technology and without him, the music industry along with many other industries would have been greatly affected.

1 comment:

  1. Steve Jobs was an amazing inventor. However, some people question if the issues that we have with technology and social media are all his fault. People tend to blame him and his invention of the iPhone on things such as texting and driving. I believe that it is not his fault for the invention, but how people are abusing it.
