Sunday, January 29, 2017

"Is Google Making Us Stupid?" Response

In Nicholas Carr's article, "Is Google Making Us Stupid?", he argues that the Internet, specifically Google, is alternating the way we think and work in a negative way. The Internet holds a vast amount information, all at the tip of our fingertips. When an individual has access to any information at any given time, it is easy to simply give into the world of technology. In regards to my personal experiences, I heavily rely on the Internet to teach me things I don't know, whether it is for educational purposes or even to ask the silliest of questions. In many ways, I disagree with the assumptions Carr makes. I believe any given person would rather look something up, receive the answer in a matter of seconds, than to deeply read something that consumes too much time. There are always two sides of every argument, but when you compare today's technology and progress to those of the past, the advancements in science, education, and creativity today are mainly due to the intelligence and endless possibility of technology and the impact its had and will always continue to have on people. In today's generation and the generations to come, people are becoming more and more adaptive at using new and innovative technology, which can lead to a brighter future.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. People heavily rely on Google to help them with things such as finding sources for papers and looking up information to help them in class. Google is abused when people use it strictly for gaining knowledge and not for trying to apply themselves in other ways like reading books and going to class. I know Google has helped me immensely with finding study guides for class on websites such as quizlet and that has only improved my knowledge. However, when I start using Google to look up a summary instead of reading the book assigned for class, that becomes a problem.
