Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"I Don't Want The Government To Know What I Do" *Posts Their Entire Life Story*

How much does this reflect the people that claims they want privacy from the government?

What Not To Search...

Understandably no the government will not think 'you' are a terrorist for using a couple of words from the list however, if a person uses more then half the list of words multiple times a year then that person would be put under higher surveillance.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Do we have privacy? Totalitarianism and Technology


Although America is not considered a Totalitarian society, we are monitored with everything we do online. Every search, text, call and photo we take the government has access of if they want to. I attached the article that we were given in class about surveillance because I felt it spoke to me. I feel as though everywhere I go now I am being watched. When WikiLeaks released the information that the CIA has access to everything they want of ours it made me feel a little uneasy. We are supposed to be living in a free society however it seems lately that everything we do is being monitored. In the article, it talks about even when crossing the street there is a voice telling us to go, and how there is cameras being installed in parks to watch our every move. My question is for the government, how can we be considered a free society if we are constantly monitored?

Totalitarianism & Technology: North Korea

Totalitarianism is a concept in which the government has complete authority over the society and has active control over all aspects of its citizen’s life. North Korea is definitely a totalitarian state as its citizens have no freedom of expression or freedom of choice. Technology is manipulated and used by means of propaganda. This article discusses North Korea's totalitarian government and how the media is heavily controlled. The internet use is very limited, there is only one channel on the television, and the radio is also monitored.

Monday, March 20, 2017

The connection between totalitarianism and technology

Technology surrounds us in our everyday lives, we use phones, computers, and cameras pretty much twenty four seven. People are always uploading pictures, videos, and status updates representing who they are, who they are with and where they are. These simple everyday actions allow totalitarianism to bloom by supporting these websites and activities, allowing governments to watch your every move. Once uploaded to the internet, it stays even after death. People not realizing that the surveillance kept on social networks allows governments to control all aspects of a persons life and take matters into their own hands if something is not liked through mental and physical methods. It is all a political system in which the state holds authority over society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever possible.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Technology and Warfare

Technology has always been used to improve tools of warfare. In the modern age, research in science has enabled development of new technology and innovations for both military and civilian use. The society and the nature of warfare both has had effects. To subjugate and colonize other nations, the European nation used their superior technology. Since the days of invasion by Babur, foreigners have exploited their superior technology and at times, reflect on the history of the Indian subcontinent. Post-modern age or knowledge age, which is being referred to as the present age, is unfolding an unprecedented revolution in technologies. These technologies have not only initiated a revolution in military affairs but have also touched myriad activities in the civil field. Over the centuries, warfare progressed from wars between tribal societies to warfare between societies based on the economy and further to warfare between industrialized societies. From fighting with bows and arrows to rifles, guns, tanks, aircraft and missiles, mankind has progressed successfully. Though slow and gradual, scientific and technological advanced in the 18th and 19th centuries, and were dramatic in the 20th century.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Technology and Warefare - is it humane?

This article talks about the technology we used in World War 1 that was considered advanced. The abilities that we have from technology now compared to what we had in World War 1 are significantly different. World War 1 used things such as tanks and flamethrowers. The most interesting thing I found was that World War 1 used portable ex-ray machines to be able to asses soldiers injuries on the spot. This amazed me because today we can put a hospital on wheels and take everything from portable MRI's to surgical tables. The technology from World War 1 compared to World War 2 is extremely different. In World War 2, the United States destroyed an entire country with an atomic bomb. Today, tanks and flamethrowers would be completely useless in a war. If there was another world war today, it would be all nuclear.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Do wars drive technological advancement?

The article I found lists forms of technology that have transformed warfare. On that list were drones, submarines, missiles, aircrafts, space weapons, and nuclear bombs. I believe that modern technology can be used as a weapon. Today, technology is becoming more precise and lethal. The missiles, which can strike with pinpoint precision, are now given much importance. The war fare equipment’s built today are so advanced that one cannot even imagine the way wars will be fought in the future, which can also be a very scary thought. Military technology is the application of technology for use in warfare. ... Weapons engineering is the design, development, testing and lifecycle management of military weapons and systems. I believe that as new weapons enter the battle, the battlefield will continue to expand.  

Russian future weapons & the Old Kalashnikov

From the article "At the same time, according to him, robots are unlikely to replace human soldiers on the future battlefield, but they will definitely increase their skills and capabilities."

This gives the same old school thinking the Russian Army always had of the Russian soldier was expendable.  The photo below isn't that far from the truth.

Sci-fi weapons now reality

These weapons use the power of an electrically induced magnetic field to launch a projectile at 3 km/s or 8.7 times the speed of sound; compared to the fastest bullet at 3.5 times the speed of sound.

What makes this even "better" for the military ships of the future is that the weight of the ship is lower because smaller projectiles are needed, no explosives are needed, and even more important the ship will not explode if the "Ship Magazine"[were all the artillery is stored on a destroyer] is hit in battle.

This is what a normal setup would look like.

The railgun system would look like this 
(note how the projectile is light enough for one person to carry)

what weapons are inhumane and what the future holds for war

Some weapons that police use such as pepper spray, stun guns or rubber bullets if used in a war would be a war crime because how they are meant to be used to immobilize the other person.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Women: The Heroes of the Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Women

The Industrial Revolution was both a good improvement and a bad situation for women. The Industrial Revolution gave more women options to be someone other than standard housewives. This is defiantly a step up, however, they still lack access to proper education. Because of this, many women weren’t able to just focus on work, because they also had to focus on taking care of their children and the house. Spending 40-60 hours a week at work and probably 20 hours a week at home can be very overwhelming. But this did not stop women. This encouraged women to rise up and demand better quality of life, work and education. The strong and hardworking women who dealt with the struggles of the Industrial Revolution were certainly heroes for those women who benefited from the driving force of the women’s movement.

Technology and our Relationship

Technology use to be the main causes of me and my girlfriend’s fights. Where she would get upset about me liking a girl’s Instagram, and where I would get upset when she every talked to her guy friends. Social media has always been a problem beyond our relationship. It would start unnecessary drama from other friends and family about anything: politics, ethics, religion, gender identity rights, and the list goes on. I use to be a heavy Facebook user that would always like and share posts of interest. Normally no one likes or comments on them and that just turned out to be very upsetting. Being on Facebook also distracted me from doing school work. I would spend hours on Facebook instead of doing homework. Because it was so distracting, depressing and dramatic, I decided to stop going on Facebook and other social medias. I can not tell you how I am more stress free about pointless things in my life. Overall, I am generally happy compared to when I was on social media. I believe this had easily made our relationship easier and happier. I wish my girlfriend would stop going on social media, but its more complicated and personal for her.  

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

"I Can't Breathe Without Wifi"

In this video, a girl named Khloe, who is 17, is so obsessed with social media, she says she cannot breathe without WiFi. She is interviewed on the Dr. Phil show and reveals her obsession and need for social media. She admits that she sleeps with her phone every night, attached to her fingers. She believes that social media gives her a high self esteem, that getting a lot of likes on a post or picture will make her feel happy at the end of the day.