Friday, March 3, 2017

Technology and our Relationship

Technology use to be the main causes of me and my girlfriend’s fights. Where she would get upset about me liking a girl’s Instagram, and where I would get upset when she every talked to her guy friends. Social media has always been a problem beyond our relationship. It would start unnecessary drama from other friends and family about anything: politics, ethics, religion, gender identity rights, and the list goes on. I use to be a heavy Facebook user that would always like and share posts of interest. Normally no one likes or comments on them and that just turned out to be very upsetting. Being on Facebook also distracted me from doing school work. I would spend hours on Facebook instead of doing homework. Because it was so distracting, depressing and dramatic, I decided to stop going on Facebook and other social medias. I can not tell you how I am more stress free about pointless things in my life. Overall, I am generally happy compared to when I was on social media. I believe this had easily made our relationship easier and happier. I wish my girlfriend would stop going on social media, but its more complicated and personal for her.  

1 comment:

  1. I can see how each of you would get upset whenever one of you liked a photo from the opposite gender. I am glad that you realized what was eating away at your time from doing homework and completely shut off your social media and that you are much happier without it. I am a Facebook user myself so I know what you mean when you say how it is easy to be online for hours and to get distracted from homework. I personally only have a Facebook account and no other social media because I feel that Facebook takes up a lot of my time already and I do not want to be someone who is always engrossed in my phone all the time.
