Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"I Don't Want The Government To Know What I Do" *Posts Their Entire Life Story*

How much does this reflect the people that claims they want privacy from the government?


  1. Many people, the majority being teenagers and young adults, are often tweeting and posting where they are going and what they are doing. It is not all of them, but there are many who claim they want privacy but will post their every day actions and thoughts. Seems a little hypocritical.

  2. I also agree with Davina, I also think that it is hypocritical. I personally see many people, mostly teenagers, posting and tweeting everything about their daily lives as if they want people to know every thing they are doing.

  3. I think it is comical that the people who claim to be against the government the most are the ones that post explicit things that would bring attention to themselves from the government. Everyone should be careful what they post online because whether we like it or not, everything we do is censored and monitored.
