Monday, March 20, 2017

The connection between totalitarianism and technology

Technology surrounds us in our everyday lives, we use phones, computers, and cameras pretty much twenty four seven. People are always uploading pictures, videos, and status updates representing who they are, who they are with and where they are. These simple everyday actions allow totalitarianism to bloom by supporting these websites and activities, allowing governments to watch your every move. Once uploaded to the internet, it stays even after death. People not realizing that the surveillance kept on social networks allows governments to control all aspects of a persons life and take matters into their own hands if something is not liked through mental and physical methods. It is all a political system in which the state holds authority over society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever possible.


  1. Its non of their business to see what we post or write online. Who knows what the government does to this information. We the people should be the only person to see and post with friends or family on the internet. The idea that the government has access to the internet and our personal information is very scary and a violation of our privacy. No one owns the Internet.

  2. While I agree that the government shouldn't be taking note of our personal information and our updated statuses, the internet is a worldly public phenomenon. The internet is there for everyone to see, including the government. While the government should be limited to what they can view, ultimately in the end, the person is choosing to post their information. They are making their own decision to post what they want whenever they want. They are publicly posting it, therefore making it so everyone can see.
