Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Technology and Warefare - is it humane?

This article talks about the technology we used in World War 1 that was considered advanced. The abilities that we have from technology now compared to what we had in World War 1 are significantly different. World War 1 used things such as tanks and flamethrowers. The most interesting thing I found was that World War 1 used portable ex-ray machines to be able to asses soldiers injuries on the spot. This amazed me because today we can put a hospital on wheels and take everything from portable MRI's to surgical tables. The technology from World War 1 compared to World War 2 is extremely different. In World War 2, the United States destroyed an entire country with an atomic bomb. Today, tanks and flamethrowers would be completely useless in a war. If there was another world war today, it would be all nuclear.

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