Thursday, March 2, 2017

Teachers Wipe Out Teachers

Some food for thought...
Image result for technology won't replace teachers


  1. This is certainly true for those teachers who actually know how to use technology. It is defiantly a hindrance on the students' education if the teacher lacks the proper knowledge and skills to use and understand how technology can be used to help educate students.

    I know that some of my teachers in high school didn't use technology at all. Some were terrible at using the Smart Boards and spent unnecessary time to understand how to use it. And some teachers were excellent at using the Smart Board, and in particular: my calculus teacher. She was able to easily draw, erase and move graphs and equations around the board. She didn't have to spend too much time remembering what she did before if a student had a question. And she later printed the notes that she did in class so students could learn from them. I am alittle bias because I love my calculus teacher, but she defiantly knew what she was doing with the Smart Board and it worked!

  2. While GOOD technology can help students with learning the topic the people that are being rewarded with acknowledgements are the teachers that are using Twitter to post pictures or other things that the class does. This may look like they are doing things but how much can students learn from an imploding 55gallon drum THIS

    We are unknowingly or even worse knowingly destroying the future of our students and children by making a big deal out of a teacher that doesn't teach the course content but, uses worthless technology and pretends to teach.

  3. No matter what the teacher knows or doesn't know regarding technology, I don't believe they could ever be replaced. Computers are a useful, helpful, powerful tool but teaching like art, music, and even science will always need a human touch and face to face interaction. I don't think within our lifetime (or even our grandchildren's lifetime) will machines be able to replace the subtleties that humans have when it comes to teaching and to learning.
