Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Do we have privacy? Totalitarianism and Technology

https://www. surveillance.com/surveillance/2012/aug/15/new-totalitarianism-surveillance-technology

Although America is not considered a Totalitarian society, we are monitored with everything we do online. Every search, text, call and photo we take the government has access of if they want to. I attached the article that we were given in class about surveillance because I felt it spoke to me. I feel as though everywhere I go now I am being watched. When WikiLeaks released the information that the CIA has access to everything they want of ours it made me feel a little uneasy. We are supposed to be living in a free society however it seems lately that everything we do is being monitored. In the article, it talks about even when crossing the street there is a voice telling us to go, and how there is cameras being installed in parks to watch our every move. My question is for the government, how can we be considered a free society if we are constantly monitored?


  1. It is scary to think that all our texts, emails, and calls are being monitored and tracked by the government. I read an article not too long ago that Yahoo provided US intelligence officials access to all of its customers incoming emails last year. Yahoo claimed that the company had to comply with the classified request.

  2. I would have to ask what do we define as a "free" country in the world that we live in today. Do we consider a country no longer free only because surveillance is used on the entire population in order to find a radical extremest who may be planning to attack a densely populated area.

    In places such as North Korea using the internet a person would not be able to search the word democracy. The person that searched that may even be taken out of their home so they don’t influence other members of the society. Without a doubt all people from the “free” world would consider that as a restriction and oppressive society.

    Do we consider a region that has systems that recognizes my face and determines my name and other information for non-malicious purposes an invasion of privacy. Just like from the article the facial recognition system may have determined that a guest at the park was a pedophile who could have been a threat to the other people in the park.

    We live in a new world were technology has to be used to protect us.

  3. While the CIA can listen to full conversations most of the time a system will analyze key words and travels of a person to determine a risk level.

    If a person for instance looks up how to make pipe bombs, pressure cooker bombs,dirty bombs, or worse car bombs and iconic landmarks such as the bridges, buildings and landmark; and has communicated or even visited areas with known terrorist groups this person will jump to the top of the list and may be acted on before they can kill people.

    Do we consider a country free if we can communicate online without being monitored by "Big Brother" in exchange for the possibility of getting rid of our safety from terrorists... In my opinion I don't like the surveillance but I understand that It may be used to protect us.
