Monday, April 17, 2017

Designer Babies and Eugenics: are we playing God too much?

Over the past few years, the concept of designer babies is becoming an up and coming theme with celebrities and millionaires who have the money to take advantage of this type of medical technology. A designer baby is just like any other baby in the womb, except its genes are manipulated to change simple things such as hair color or eye color, but could advance to things such as preventing autism, cancer and have a certain IQ. Designer babies are very controversial because Catholics believe God is supposed to control what your baby looks like or if it has any deformities. I feel as though if I knew my child was going to have a disease or some sort of genetic issue that would prevent them from living a normal and happy life, I would take advantage of using the designer baby method. A couple who was hated in the media for it was John Legend and his wife, Chrissy Teigen. They did something as simple as pick the gender of their baby. Chrissy was having issues with conceiving and was put on IVF to increase her chances of getting pregnant. As she was put through several rounds of IVF, they offered her the opportunity to pick the gender of the baby. If I was Chrissy Teigen and I had the option to pick my babies gender, I would absolutely take advantage of that, especially under the stress of not being able to conceive to begin with. A large issue in today's society is that more people are realizing that religion is not as large as a savior as technology is, and there is a divide between people who are still very religious and people who are not at all. The Catholic community jumps on every opportunity to criticize a prominent figure for doing something slightly controversial and I just feel it is wrong. If everyone would mind their own business, we would be a much happier united society.

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