Monday, April 17, 2017

Human genetics

The study of inheritance as it occurs in human beings is known as human genetics. Human genetics encompasses a variety of overlapping fields. The common factor of the qualities of most human-inherited traits are genes. The study of human genetics is useful because it can answer questions about human nature, understand the diseases and development of effective disease treatment, and understand genetics of human life.


  1. Human genetics is a topic that interests me a lot. I think it is fascinating that we are made up of so many different genes and traits that we do not even know about. My post talks about all the new ways that we can explore what we are made up of based off new technology. It is important that we know what we are made of to understand if we are predisposed to any diseases that could appear later in life.

  2. I am a biology major and genetics always fascinated me. When it comes to human beings, consider the possibility of genetically engineering humans to enhance desirable traits or taking a test that provides you with a list of diseases you are likely to develop in the future. With the technology available these days, almost anything is possible when it comes to this topic and I believe that there is much more to be discovered, being that human genetics is such a tedious and comprehensive topic.
