Monday, April 17, 2017

Mostly Human: I Love You, Bot

I got a CNN notification on Saturday about this article and it made me think of our discussions in class about Tay the chatbot and artificial intelligence. A woman named Lilly that lives in France, discovered at a young age that she did not connect with humans. She decided to start identifying herself as robosexual. Lilly claims that she would rather be hurt by a coding error, or glitch rather then being lied to or cheated on by a human. As if this could not get any more bizarre, there is a factory is San Diego called "Real Dolls" where customers can design their own boyfriend or girlfriend. The owner of this factory, Matt McMullen, claims that human connection is not required for happiness, and that these dolls provide company for people who purchase them. McMullen also says how his A.I dolls are different than SIRI and the Amazon Echo's Alexa because they do not care when your birthday is or why you may be sad that day. However, McMullen's dolls have human emotions and behaviors so they will always be responsive no matter what mental state their owner is in. Along with the factory, McMullen designed an app called "Harmony" which lets users design their own girlfriend and communicate with them. McMullen states that it is only a matter of time until humans and robots coexist. However, are we ready for that?

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