Monday, April 24, 2017

Women and the Eugenic Sterilization Program

In the critically racist, unethical world and country we live in, there is no surprise of the amount of idiocentric beliefs and hatred for those that are not the “supreme race or sex”. In the 20th century, this was no exception for the unfortunate women who were put in “federally-funded sterilization programs” used to limit the amount of “undesirable” populations (pbs). This included “immigrants, people of color, poor people, unmarried mothers, the disabled, the mentally ill” (pbs). This means that this “treatment” was not only on women, but men and children as well. While some people have seen this as a means of strengthening the human population, others have seen it as a “Hilter” ideology. That is why laws have been passed prohibiting this unlawful method. In 2015, an act was passed to assist those who were forced to the sterilization programs. (pbs)

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