Wednesday, February 8, 2017

How much is too much?

Technology is one of the greatest advancements of the 21st century. It has opened new ways to communicate with others around us and from around the world. We get a chance to meet new people that they may not have had the chance to do before. But sometimes the power can be abused and people tend to stick to their phones. Some people forget to look up and often times, ruins empathy in a person. Now that everything is done behind a screen, we often forget about the people and their emotions who are behind the screen. Technology is being thrown in our faces and we have nothing to do but accept it and roll with it. Empathy is something that is being taken away, but can't entirely be blamed on the ones who are using it.

1 comment:

  1. Another thing that is happening with social media and technology being accessed all over the world is terrorist recruiting. I know ISIS does all of their recruiting over social media for the United States. Social media is also ruining people's ability to empathize with each other because they do not consider the face that they are hurting behind the screen. The question is, how do we gain that back?
