Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The industrial revolution and the impact on women


During the industrial revolution every person in the working class was subjected to dangerous working conditions not only women and children.  The difference between women and men working during the industrial revolution was that when women were done working in the factory they were also in charge of taking care of the kids in the family.

Women during the industrial revolution would not only be exposed to dangerous working conditions at factories they would also be subjected to sexual harassment by supervisors because more often then not the person was a male worker.

As the video had stated women who would be working in factories would often be single mothers taking care of children at home. The video had stated at the end " Women experienced a better standard of living" which as the viewer I had interpreted that as women without the factory job and no other person to support them would have had to turn to a much less favorable way of making a living.

In the end however it is certain that women were the group of people that suffered most from the industrial revolution.

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