Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Technology: Does it kill or breed empathy?

I think that in a way technology kills empathy because nowadays everyone relies on their phone to communicate with people. There are not as many face to face interactions with people anymore but when there are most people will at some point get distracted and take out their phone and start to text someone or check social media, for example, and not really be with the other person. It is important to pay attention to others because that is how we become more human. Now, a way that technology breeds empathy is if, say you have a relative that lives in another country and the only convenient way to communicate with them is through social media or e-mail. So it really depends on how you look at if technology is breeding or killing empathy.


  1. I agree with your statement on how people are using technology and social media to communicate with others who are live far away. Technology can be abused and people need to look up from their phones, but communicating with others through social media and e-mails sometimes does mean that people are thinking of others. It's a different age and day, some means of communicating are evolving and we should evolve with it as well.

  2. Technology is abused by teenagers I feel to avoid confronting people face to face about issues and is making us lose our ability to talk to each other and communicate. I think we think lightly of technology and how much we use it until we are faced with a situation when we need to look someone in the eyes and talk to them about something.
