Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Phone Addicts

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Technology has brought people closer together through social media. People today are able to make new friends online from anywhere around the world. This also means that people can meet anyone from anywhere to form an intimate relationship with. Technology has created a vast new world for us, but sometimes we don't know when to stop. While it's been successful in creating new interactions, people often forget about the ones right in front you. There is nothing more frustrating than spending time with a loved one, and they are paying more attention to their phone rather than you. It seems as though some people can't even go a half an hour without being on their phone. People become so engrossed with their devices that they need to learn to remember to give their significant other the respect and attention they deserve. 


  1. It is so frustrating being with a loved one and seeing them on their phone. I mentioned in class how when I went out to dinner with my parents and they would sit there on their phones and it really upsets me. I hope that when I am older and have children that I never do that.

  2. I agree with you. I believe that technology is both a blessing and a curse in the sense that it provides endless information and opportunities, but at the same time people are becoming too engrossed with their phones, computers, and more. My mom, who was once never involved with her phone, but after learning the new apps and social media sites, became obsessed with her phone and would never put it down. The idea of her ignoring me to look at her phone always bothers me.

  3. I agree! My parents have become just as engrossed in their phones as much as people our age has. Technology affects all ages.

  4. I agree with your post! It bothers me too when I am hanging out with family or friends and they spend more time on their phone than me, or whoever is in the room for that matter. I feel that if you are going to make plans with someone then spend that quality time with the person, as it won't last forever and there will always be time to be on your phone later. I saw some where that a good general rule is for everyone who is eating at the table to all pile their phones on the table and are not allowed to touch them until the meal is over; and if in a restaurant, the first person to touch their phone pays the bill. In general it bothers me when someone is on their phone during a family dinner because I feel that that time should be used to bond with your family.
