Monday, February 20, 2017

Dating a robot

The picture was edited to make it SFW.

The terms and condition of a "dating website"


  1. THIS SITE UTILIZES FANTASY PROFILES IDENTIFIED AS FANTASY CUTIES. You comprehend, acknowledge, and accept that some of the profiles listed on the Site may be operated by our Site or third party contractors and are fictitious. These profiles and interactions generated from them are clearly labelled with the Fantasy Cuties logo:
    Fantasy Cuties functionality is offered to help the Service 1) enforce Service rules and policies, 2) monitor use of Site, 3) illustrate to users the features and communication tools of the Site, 4) enhance your online communication, companionship and entertainment experience, 5) and to promote increased use of the Site such posting of profile information and/or additional content to users' profile pages.

This "dating website" uses a large amount of computer generated profiles which will be denoted to the viewer with a gold star with FC written inside the star.  This can be viewed in the picture above of a 'Fantasy Cuties' profile from the site.  

Whether the account is managed by a person who is in charge of other accounts or a computer generated response program the user of the site would be able to have sexually explicit conversations with the account leading to a fake formation of intimacy with a person which would lead to problems in future legitimate relationships.

1 comment:

  1. This website is similar to the TV show I blogged about called Catfish. People on online dating sites "catfish" other people by posting false information and pictures, pretending to be someone else. I believe that since people are becoming more involved with technology, that dating has become more dangerous and not as pure as it used to be.
