Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Technology and Intimate relationships

My boyfriend and I have this agreement that whenever we are together, we put our phones aside and spend quality time together. I like to think this works because we have been together for five years now. Whether it is a date to our favorite restaurant, or just watching tv on the couch, we make it a point to silence our phones and just enjoy each others company. However, this does not mean technology still has not effected our relationship. I would say 95% of the fights my boyfriend and I get into are about social media. I will get upset if I see he followed a girl that I think is prettier than me, and he will get upset if he sees me snapchatting a guy friend of mine. The funny thing is, these fights last for five minutes and then we step back and question why we just wasted energy fighting about that. We end up laughing it off and moving on, but some couples do not work it out as easy as we do. Going back to spending time together, it hurts me to see a couple out to dinner and both of them are on their phones or one of them is completely immersed in something on their device while the other just stares and waits for the food to come so their date could be over. I do not think there is anything that upsets me more than that.


That article talks about the future of relationships and how technology can tear people apart. I found it sad but also extremely interesting.


  1. I do the same thing with my boyfriend! Every time we are together, whether it is out to dinner or just hanging out, we try to put our phones away as much as possible. Although the temptation may be very strong to not touch our phones, we try to just pay attention to each other and have face to face conversations.

  2. I think that the agreement that both of you have with your boyfriends is awesome! Obviously you cannot be together 24/7 so when you are together it should be quality time spent together without technology being in the background. It is sad to see couples in restaurants where one person is engaged in their phone and the other just sits there bored waiting for the food to come.

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