Monday, February 20, 2017

Impact of technology on intimate relationships

Social media is an excellent way to stay connected with friends and family. The ability to be truly connected with other human beings is becoming more difficult with the power of security that technology grants us. Most people want to find the ultimate form of human connection, the kind that lasts a lifetime, and most people want to love someone and they want to be loved in return. With the amount of time spent staring at screens throughout the day, it is likely to meet a potential mate online. Finding someone to love through technological means is understandable since people love technology. An estimated one third of all marriages today begin online. Studies show that in less than a decade or two more than half of romantic relationships will start on the internet. There is no disputing that happy marriages that lead to new families can be found online. For adults out of college and moved away from the place they called home, it's sometimes a struggle to meet new people so they resort to using what is at their fingertips in order to interact and connect with others. The act of meeting someone has never been more easier yet challenging all at once.


  1. I like how you focused on the positive side of technology and how it impacts relationships. Some people forget about that. My cousin met her husband on and they could not be happier together, for some people it works out and they find their soul mates.

  2. I do agree that using technology to meet people can be great. People can certainly find true love by using the internet.

    For the select few I feel that the technology will create introverts who when they go out to a restaurant with the person they met online will not be able to have a normal conversation. Because of the internet people will not be able to ask someone that they like out on a date because from always having interactions over the internet they don't know how to introduce themselves.

  3. I agree. People are so used to talking through a keyboard and screen and don't know how to have a formal conversation.

  4. I agree with your post, however I think the reason people choose to date online is not because of their love for technology, but because it is a more convenient way that overall puts less pressure on each person in that relationship.
