Monday, February 13, 2017

Technology: The Evil Hero

Technology has massively and rapidly improved throughout the centuries. From tools used to expedite farming in the 1800s to the rocket to the moon to the modern cell phone, technology has surely gone a long way to improve our way of living and expand our knowledge of the known universe. Technology can be the hero: improvements in medicine and medical technology to prevent or cure diseases that was once thought to be incurable. But even this type of technology can be abused. Many medicine companies make their pills less effective than what they could potentially do. Instead of finding a cure to a particular disease they would rather make billions of dollars off medication that threats the symptoms. This is the greed that medicine companies show under their sugar-coated smiles. For example, some medicines that help threat antidepressants or high blood pressure just so happen to loose blood flow to the male genital, making it harder for men to become erect. It just so happens that the same medicine that causes this issue also makes a blue pill that helps with erectile dysfunction. This means more money from their costumers and there’s really nothing we can do about it. Although this is not the case for all companies, those that are overwhelmed by greed have cheated us from our money and our dignity.
                On the topic of cell phones, they help us do one basic thing: communicate. The fundamental of having a cell phone is good for when a danger or a conversation needs to be addressed. It gets out of hand when people are attached to their cell phones. They make it a daily necessity. In this way, they become dehumanized and lose that magic human characteristic of being emphatic. They forget what it is to become human and to interact with other human beings in the physical world. They become so attached and so self-loved (or narcissistic like) that they no longer care what happens to others. They don’t account for others when they do something, because “everything revolves around them”. They have lost the self-discipline to even care or notice that what they are doing is wrong. This all could have been caused by a combination of things. Social neglect, improper or incomplete childhood experience (lacking maturity), physical or verbal abuse, bulling, social media, peer pressure, following the crowd (bandwagon), no self-control, and lack and/or search of love, are a few roots to the problem. I believe that every person who is exposed to technology, like cell phones, and isn’t raised to use it correctly and understand its use righteously may develop a lack of empathy.

                There is a cure: self-growth. Mature from the rest of the bad weeds and become the flower that brightens someone’s day. This takes time, self-awareness and dedication, but once this dying human characteristic becomes a part of someone, that person has gained their empathy and heart back. They have snapped back into reality. A place that needs more than saving. A place that needs a miracle to save the existence of humanity. 

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